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About Us

Like trees in nature, the children in our school grow and develop at their own pace based on the personalized education programme of  the  Good Education Association

“Puszczyk” Forest School changes the model of teaching; from the classroom, to the womb of nature, to the forest, where the children feel at ease. Instead of the bell – birdsong, instead of testing by the board– experiments and experiences in the terrain, instead of sitting at school desks – movement and space.

Most lessons take place outside, regardless of the season. Thanks to contact with nature the children get to know the world for real , in practice, not from a book or a computer screen. They are able to orient themselves in the surrounding area; in the terrain they learn resourcefulness and independence of thinking. A child who is given space for development, for making decisions and solving problems in safe conditions, builds a sense of self value in a natural way. The happiness that comes with climbing a tree higher and higher and overcoming fear, is something that can’t be experienced at a school desk.


Spending a few hours outside everyday is a recipe for better resistance, physical and mental health. Furthermore, contact with nature helps to get rid of stress and sensitivity. Our children play and learn outside, they are creative and curious about the world.

...because every child is different


In our school:

  • we let children follow an individual path of learning development.

  • we help children achieve subsequent stages of their education according to their own pace and abilities.

  • we encourage their inner motivation for learning, not forced by fear, marks, pressure, blackmail or comparison with others.

  • the children engage in planning their development, cooperating with their mentor.

  • instead of classes and lessons we provide opportunities to work on projects.

  • we have replaced the traditional system of marks with a system of positive motivation.

  • we care about developing empathy and intra- and interpersonal competencies


In “Puszczyk” Forest School every student:

  • is equal, unique and valuable;

  • is competent to search and discover;

  • has a right to undertake challenges and risks;

  • is competent to make their own decisions;

  • has a right to steer their process of learning and development;

  • has a right to have regular successes;

  • has a right to develop positive relations with themselves and other people;

  • has a right to develop strong, positive relations with their surroundings and with the world of nature.


Our goal is raising people that are:

  • responsible and confident;

  • efficient and enthusiastic;

  • knowledgeable of their strong and weak sides;

  • empathetic;

  • free, but know boundaries well;

  • independent and trustworthy;

  • ready for life, for continuous education and for performing work, which will be for them a source of feeling success and satisfaction.

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